Kitchen Gardening in the Time of Corona


Self isolation, social distancing, all call for a self-sustaining style of living. In the new and strange times we are inhabiting, being self-sufficient is a good idea. Gardening is great for mind and body and kitchen gardens have the added advantage of actually providing sustenance.

There is a deep-seated primeval satisfaction in harvesting a home grown crop, be it an impressive bounty of healthy veggies or just a few simple herbs.

We asked our readers from around the world to share pictures of their kitchen gardens from small balconies to larger yards.


These home gardeners in Karachi make maximum use of a small space growing fresh, juicy spinach and green chilli in narrowing beds. They also enjoyed a small crop of tomatoes grown in pots.

Most ingeniously, mint is strewn in the spaces between the stone pavers in the front courtyard. Mint is not only a favourite garnish and condiment but has the added advantage of keeping mosquitoes away!

A narrow bed is all this toori or ridge gourd plant needs to grow and give fruit.

This glorious old Moringa tree is laden with the super healthy pods which are cooked in a variety of ways. The leaf is also edible.

Another Karachi back garden has been fully devoted to growing vegetables. Plump, beautiful red reddishes, spinach, juicy tomatoes and spring onions are a regular feature. This keen kitchen gardener also grows, garlic, bhindi or ladies fingers, and lots of other veggies which are dished from the garden to the table.

The curry leaf tree grows easily in Karachi as does the multi-purpose aloe vera. Both do well on the local climate and can be grown in the ground or in pots.

Sydney, Australia

A Curry leaf and paan plants flourish in a Sydney balcony, adding to the foliage and the kitchen cupboard.

Atlanta, USA

This curry leaf tree gets a cosy corner in an Atlanta home.

Fruit Trees in Karachi

This gorgeous pomegranate tree sprouted in a Karachi home after seeds were casually strewn on the ground. The fruit has a thin skin and pale seeds which are very sweet.

Papaya trees grow easily in Karachi. These tiny fruit will ripen into beautiful yellow papayas.

This beautiful shady old mulberry tree, still yields a bumper crop each year and the home owner generously distributes the bounty to friends and family.

In California

A peach  tree laden with luscious  fruit.