Quick Tips to Protect Furniture from Dampness &  Moisture

Here are some quick tips to protect furniture from dampness & moisture this rainy season -don’t let the monsoons damage your wooden furniture!
We all know that climate change is for real – and the frequency of rains is increasing so it is imperative we try our best to salvage and preserve our wooden furniture from damage.
  •   Furniture upholstery has a tendency to absorb moisture during the rainy season, which in turn will affect the wooden frame. Keep the sofa or chairs atleast 6 inches away from the wall. Once the rain stops, keep the windows open to let sunlight seep in – this will help to keep the room humidity free.
  •   Use naphthalene balls or camphor for absorbing moisture.
This will help prevent clothes as well as cupboards from attracting termites and other pests. A more natural alternative would be Neem leaves or cloves.
protect Furniture from Dampness
  •  Use humidifiers or invest in one should the need arise. Controlling humidity levels at home would help in preserving furniture to last longer.
  •   Avoid using a wet cloth to dust or clean furniture. Use a dry fabric.
Dust should not be left on wooden furniture during the rainy season, as it has a tendency to stick to surfaces.
  •  Apply a coat of lacquer or varnish to furniture at least once in two years to fill the pores and to increase the life of the wood and to prevent it from swelling.