The wedding season is here, with all its glitter and glamour as well as some mild panic! Will I be dressed fashionably enough, will I have the energy to attend each and every function. And most importantly will my wedding gift make the impact it should.
Here are 5 Gifts for the Bride that she will love to receive from you at her shaadi:
1. Jewellery Box

No matter how many jewellery boxes the bride owns, she will need some more. As all members of the family will try to show their love with earrings, bangles and jeweled gifts. A stylish case with her initials will be a welcome addition and the bride will think of you fondly whenever she looks at the case. There are many stackable options as well so you can help the bride build up a collection at each wedding anniversary.
2. Monogrammed Dressing Gown & Towels
Moving into a new home with new in laws is always intimidating. Make the transition a bit easier with stylish monogrammed dressing gown or towels to use in the new home. You could also do his and hers gifts for bride and groom, if your budget allows!
3. Travel Steamer Iron
When you have spent so much on your wedding trousseau, you don’t want to spoil it whilst ironing. So this wedding gift is something for the house, but both husband and wife will thank you. With all the dinners and occasions, plus honeymoon and travel the steamer iron can keep the couple looking spiffy. These are affordable and easily available in the market and will be much appreciated by the couple as it keeps them stylish.
4. A Painting or Print
Art is a great gift to give on a special occasion such as a wedding or anniversary. There are a large number of galleries in most cities that cater to every budget and style. Choose a cheerful canvas or an affordable small print and you also help the bride decorate her new home or space.

5. Donate to a Charity of her Choice
Weddings are a time of lavish spending, so why not think a bit about the less fortunate. If the bride supports a particular charity, offer to donate on her behalf for a worthy cause. She will appreciate your thoughtfulness and you get to help humanity in some small way.
Now that the wedding gift is sorted you can focus on looking glam and participating in all the wedding dances and events. Nothing says shaadi mubarak more than an enthusiastic bestie!
Click here for Gift Ideas for the Groom