DIY Beauty Tips For Hair



Our guest blogger Natasha is a doctor by day and a writer by night. She started blogging to give expression to her many interests outside the field of medicine.  

Survival tips: Learn how to cook and master a few grooming techniques. The art of knowing a few lifesaving tricks pertaining to skin and hair can spare your pocket and time.

Life is pretty fast-paced these days and most plans are made spontaneously.  If your skin and hair are in good shape then going any where becomes trouble free.

These are some protective and rescue remedies that I highly recommend for lustrous locks. These do-it-yourself beauty tips for hair will keep your hair trouble free at all times:


 Condition the scalp

When out in the scorching sun , we don’t realize how dry and itchy it makes our scalp. Always try to spray your hair with a mixture of green tea and coconut oil tonic. All you have to do is cool two cups of green tea and spray it over your hair.

Beauty Tips For Hair

Set it in for five minutes. After that massage some coconut oil over your scalp. Let this concoction set in for wither thirty minutes or all night. Wash it with tepid water, shampoo and conditioner. Your scalp will feel better and hair will shine with some bonus luster.

 Natural hair spray

Something that damages hair more than sun rays are “hair sprays”. The good way to escape that damage is to make a homemade hair spray that will give a similar effect. All you need is essential oils 10 drops, filtered water 1.5 cup and sugar 2 tablespoons.

Heat water in a pan and add the rest. Allow it to cool. Store in a spray bottle and use it as hair spray. This home remedy is not only easy on the pocket but will eliminate the damage from  chemicals.

 Get rid of dandruff

Our weather promotes dandruff build-up in our hair. Shampoos do not help, no matter how promising the advertisement. A quick solution for this is to wet your hair then massage 1 cup of apple juice( natural) into the hair from the roots to the tips. Wash it off with shampoo.

Beauty Tips For Hair

Massaging jojoba oil and coconut oil are also great for treating dandruff. Another quick solution is to dissolve Dettol (3tbsp) in one cup water and then massage it over your scalp. Leave it in for around twenty minutes and then wash your hair. This helps greatly in dandruff eradication.

 Head massage

Getting a head massage on a regular basis is a traditional practice for staying away from dandruff. However the good thing is that it increases circulation and helps hair growth as well. So indulge in a weekly head massage.

 Detox Hair Mask

Make a paste of baking soda and water. Massage over your hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

 Dry shampoo

In winters the biggest struggle is to wash your hair. To prevent hair from getting oily all you have to do is make your own dry hair shampoo by mixing equal parts cornstarch, arrowroot powder, rice powder and a few drops of lavender essential oil (optional) in a small jar. Just sprinkle this mixture on your oily roots and brush to help absorb the oils.

 Apple cider vinegar rinse

beauty tips for hair

This is the most useful and quickest hair tip ever. To give your hair extra shine and remove any buildup from the scalp, use apple cider vinegar. Pour two tbsp of apple cider vinegar into four cups of water. Use this mixture for final rinse after you shampoo your hair and dry as normal.

Home hair treatments have been recorded since ancient history. No matter how much we invest in getting treatments from expensive saloons. The softness and luster that homemade masks give can’t be beaten.

Try a few of these and enjoy your lustrous hair.

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