Everyone loves cottage cheese. It’s rich in protein & calcium, low in fat, full of vitamins and healthy to eat at breakfast or as a snack with crackers or fruit. Here is a tried and tested recipe from the homelovelifestyle team that is so easy to make and delicious too. Go ahead try it out and see!

You will need:

I kilo               Milk (from the desi milk shop)

1/2 kilo          Yoghurt (from the desi dahi shop)

1 teaspoon     Salt or as per taste

Spices            Coriander, Cumin and green chillies   (You can experiment with different spices)



Pour milk in a pot and bring milk to a boil

Add one teaspoon salt to the yoghurt and keep aside

Pour in the yoghurt to the boiling milk

Add the condiments as desired (can be anything one fancies from chillies to dill or coriander) to the boiling milk & yoghurt mix

Once the mixture comes to a boil, pour it into a Cottage Cheese making container (a perforated metal dish or any other perforated dish or thin malmal fabric)

Drain the excess water and that’s it. Your cheese is ready! How quick and simple was that.

Tip: the amount of water you drain depends on whether you want a firm consistency or a softer one. As a general rule, don’t drain the cheese completely.

Now impress your family and friends with your delicious & healthy home-made cheese or keep it all for yourself!