Back to the Workplace with Interwood


It’s back to the workplace! And let’s face it most of us are heaving a sigh of relief.  Even those of us who never thought we would say the words “I miss the office” have found ourselves fondly remembering our colleagues and working together as a team.

The folks at Interwood agree and, as a leading brand of office furniture and workstations for office, have come up with some great solutions.

What are the Benefits of Working Together?

Working from home may have worked for some, but it has been a real struggle for many of us.  We are social creatures and crave connections so hard to make over scratchy zoom meetings. Working together makes us stronger and more productive.

back to the workplace

Especially in creative fields, the time spent bouncing ideas off each other in a group is invaluable. Even idle banter over cups of tea builds an environment and camaraderie so conducive to productive output.  We miss the buzz, the energy that comes from working together effectively.

Distanced working makes it hard to bridge distances. Junior employees are bereft of the experience and guidance of their senior colleagues or the opportunity to hone inter-personal skills.

With new SOPs in place and proceeding with caution, offices have seen their employees returning to work eager to pick up where they left off.

We are all gearing up for a new normal, a return to something familiar yet different.

back to the workplace with Interwood

Why Workplaces need to be Updated Post Covid?

According to the WHO:

“Simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace.

Employers should start doing these things now, even if COVID-19 has not arrived in the communities where they operate. They can already reduce working days lost due to illness and stop or slow the spread of COVID-19 if it arrives at one of your workplaces.

  • Make sure your workplaces are clean and hygienic
  • Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly
  • Why? Because contamination on surfaces touched by employees and customers is one of the main ways that COVID-19 spreads.”

So what does the new workplace look like? Ventilation is key as is hygiene and social distancing. Workstation ergonomics takes on new importance. Interior and furniture designers have to re-invent office spaces to cater to the new norms. And Interwood is leading the way with its post Covid 19 office solutions.

back to the workplace

How Interwood is Upgrading Office Design!

Interwood was already at the forefront with smart yet practical office furniture, which is easy to clean and maintain.  Open workplaces with mandatory distancing are made possible with Interwood’s joint yet six-feet apart workstation design.

There has to be a shift from plush materials and soft surfaces to more resistant yet easy to clean & still comfortable material for office chairs and tables.  Interwood offers many such choices including office chairs with back support that are designed for comfort.

Back to Work feels so Good!

Online meetings have surely been a savior during lockdown but they don’t quite cut it do they? How many of us have found ourselves abruptly cut out off meetings? Or have been unable to explain our ideas because of a poor connection? Not to mention power cuts and disruptive background noises at home ruining presentations.

Let’s return to our conference rooms and distanced office desks, keeping in mind workstation design ergonomics and new social behaviors. Shared spaces lead to common goals and that’s what working effectively is all about.

Let’s be safe, be responsible but be working together for a better future at the office with Interwood.